A Reading Companion Like Never Before

For People With Mild Vision Loss and Reading Fatigue

Introducing the OrCam Read, an award-winning device that grants access to any printed or digital text. With advanced AI technology, it effortlessly scans and reads text aloud.


We've Got the Whole Package

Ease the frustration and fatigue of consuming large amounts of text and

embrace the freedom to read what you want, when you want it.


Full Page Capture

Unlike all other devices which require word-by-word scanning


Read any printed or digital text

Scan text from any surface and get it read out to you! Listen to your emails, recipes, food labels and newspaper


No connectivity required

OrCam Read can support you any situation, even if you don't have an internet connection such as travel


Smart Reading

Simply ask for the text that interests you. Say “Read the headlines”

Get the Perfect Deal For You


Reading has been something I’ve always struggled with, so to have that feeling of freedom and independence from the OrCam Read is absolutely priceless.


Abbie Robinson

Visually Impaired Paraclimber


I used to ask for help for everything, and I don't have to do that anymore. It has definitley been a game-changer to my accessibility.



VIsually Impaired User


The OrCam Read makes shopping more enjoyable and less stressful. It also made my hotel stay more accessible.


Alyssa Nicole

Orientation & Mobiity Specialist

Get Only the Information You Want

OrCam Read can retrieve specific information you're interested in using voice commands.

Just say for example:

“Read the Dates”

“Start from a specific word”

“Read the Article About X”

Read any Text at any Pace

Simply capture any type of text from screens

or printed materials and comfortably listen

to emails, documents

and newspapers at your favorite reading speed.

Access Even the Fine Print

Say goodbye to struggling with tiny texts.

With just a simple picture, effortlessly access and comprehend the small writing in manuals, newspapers, cosmetics, and more.

OrCam's Award-Winning Technology


Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Authentic Feedback from Real Users, Professional Reviewers, and Media Outlets on OrCam Read